1. I suggest to create the multifacor calculation model of your experimental data for future publication.

  2. We have obtain light and dark CVs, stability measurements, Electrochemical impedance spec, etc, as well as teraherz spectroscopy data which gives us information about the photogenerated charge carrier diffusion lengths of the principle absorber layers. Unfortunately we are unable to disseminate these types of data via a Blog Post since this will be reserved for a future Scientific Publications.

    However, you may obtain the crystallographic structure of this particular material from already published articles (e.g. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2016/ce/c6ce00647g#!divAbstract)

  3. Dear Yuan Yuan,

    Thank you for your interest in our research and it is great that these subjects of investigation are being addressed on an international level.

    I am glad you would like to help by facilitating collaborations, but we are reluctant to discriminate any healthy collaboration towards our Chinese colleagues only (of which none are working on this particular project), maybe you would like to form a collaboration with other colleagues?

  4. What experimental data (tables, graphs, characteristics of the material structure, sweep, etc.) are obtained?

  5. Dear Anton! In my profession, I am a journalist. On your page, I saw interesting information about your research with photos. And I have this question: can you tell us in an accessible language about the practical benefits of your work? Thanks for your reply!

  6. Good afternoon, Anton,

    my name is Yuan Yuan, I am from Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China.
    Your topic is very promising. In China, this problem is currently being addressed by leading universities. Do you cooperate with Chinese scientists? I will be happy to help you in establishing contacts with your Chinese colleagues.

  7. Hello, Anton!
    Have you conducted a study of your sample under conditions of electric field strength? The results of the research can be applied in the development of an optical current transformer for SmartGrid. A photocell can be used as an energy source to power a current sensor through an optical fiber on a high-voltage line. If we give the protective surface the deformation property of the current, then the element can be a current sensor.

  8. Hello, Anton!
    I like independence and initiative in your approach to scientific research. With what particular scientific sources did you work?Where, from your point of view, is it most effective to use light absorber? In what do you see the main problems and difficulties in the practical application of the results of your project? Good luck to you!

  9. Thank you for your question!
    Overall, the goal is to fabricate a solar water splitting device that produces hydrogen.
    A central component of a solar fuel device is the light absorber: a semiconductor capable of generating charge carriers upon sunlight illumination. Our efforts in the development of novel light absorbers into working solar fuel device.

  10. Anton, it is felt that you’re deeply interested in the theme of your research. I see, you and your group have progressed in it too. I wonder, what are the future trends (prospects) of using the results of your research? In what devices and for what purposes can this thin crystalline films find their application? I wish you further achievements in your studies.

  11. We are observing the effects of improved stability, higher current densities for hydrogen evolution and optimised onset potential/photovoltage.

  12. I really enjoyed your post, Anton! Well done. I was wondering, what properties of your protection layers are you looking at with these photo-electrochemical (PEC) characterization methods?

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