We are back / Lars Korte, researcher in photovoltaic
Lars Korte works at the photovoltaics departement at HZB. He talks about his experience during the Corona Lockdown and afterwards when we went back to work.Read More →
Lars Korte works at the photovoltaics departement at HZB. He talks about his experience during the Corona Lockdown and afterwards when we went back to work.Read More →
Inés is a mechatronics technician at BESSY II. In March she started to produce face masks with some of her colleagues in order to donate them to social institutions. The project masken.berlin has since then produced more than 1600 self-sewn masks. A few weeks ago the situation was quite different: In mid-March, the number of infections in Berlin rose daily in the triple digits, shops and schools were closed down, the newspapers were full of reports that doctors’ surgeries, hospitals and social institutions were lacking protective equipment of all kinds. Practically, not even a simple cloth mouth and nose protector could be found anywhere. DoRead More →
Many colleagues work on site, others continue to work from home. These different working environments will continue to accompany us in the coming weeks. Therefore, we will introduce people telling us what it means to be back in the lab as well as people who continue working from home. Today we ask Rowshanak Irani, postdoctoral researcher at the HZB Solar Fuels Institute based in Wannsee. How did you start the lockdown period? I was lucky, as I had my PhD viva a few weeks before the lockdown. At HZB when you do your PhD in three years you get a contract extension for six months;Read More →