1. Dear Fatma, I am glad of getting you interesting in this topic. I am planning to write another post, and maybe there, I can explain some details about the composition and synthesis of these materials. So I expect that this new post could help you to learn new interesting things in this field.
    On the other hand, I will look for the concept of biominerals. It is the first time I listen to it, and maybe, I can find new ideas that help me in my project.
    Best regards, Julio Guzmán.

  2. I have never heard of metallic cellular materials before. Maybe I did but the term is new to me. It sounds interesting. I would like to know more details about the composition and synthesis of these kind of materials. Me being interested in biominerals maybe your research project would expand my horizons in terms of hard tissues etc.

  3. Dear Julio, a very nice blogpost! You are explaining your project in a nutshell and sharing your first impressions. Well done, and maybe – if you can – you might tell us in a second blogpost how your research project is evolving ? I am cuious now. Best regards, Antonia

  4. Good luck with this new project

  5. Congratulations great job take advantage and enjoy this opportunity

  6. Interesante trabajo de investigación. Seguro dará excelentes resultados. ENHORABUENA

    Manuel Pizarro Galbarro
  7. Estupendo trabajo de investigación. Enhorabuena. seguro dará buenos resultados.

    Manuel Pizarro Galbarro
  8. I’m intrigued by the many applications this could have. Keep up the good work!

  9. Seguro que esos materiales van fenómeno para hacer parihuelas y otros enseres !!!
    Fuerte P’arriba Valiente !!!

  10. Awesome!

  11. Awesome!

    Maria Del mar guzmán aljama
  12. Awesome!!!

  13. Woo!,an interesting and innovative project, good Job.

    Peter Aljama Harrison
  14. Super! Gut Arbeit

  15. Gute Arbeit Julio! Du bist am besten Materialingenieur!!!

  16. Amazing project!

  17. It sounds amazing!

  18. Awesome!

    Belén Carmona Fernández

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