1. So nice to see you every challenge of life with big heart 💜 I’m super proud of youuu!!!

  2. What a lovely share, Attia! As Marieke and Nora already pointed out, you made a very nice parallel between personal and professional challenges. And the battle between fields of science continues. Here’s a little something to add to that: https://xkcd.com/435/

  3. I love to see you grow as you face new challenges everyday and learns from them. More power to you baby ♥️

  4. Than you so much for such nice words ❤

  5. Thank you!

  6. Hey dear! I’m happy to see you successful 💖
    Such a nice post as you shared exactly what you faced..

  7. So proud of you 😍 the girl who never fails to surprise us by her new adventures❤️ You are an inspiration for many girls 👍🏻

  8. Yes, I believe it would be a fun exchange of science languages 😄

  9. Thank you for appreciation. 🙂

  10. Hello Attia!

    Lovely post!!! I love that you included such personal experiences and fears and talked about overcoming them. Thank you for sharing!

  11. I liked very much how you connected the two topics: the challenges you were facing in your professional life and your personal life. Also reading both Noras and your blog post I am thinking: chemists and physicists should get together more often 😉

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