1. Francisco I am completely astonished to read your post and I found the beautiful form you linked a Julio Verne’s idea with the cutting -edge research you have developed. I am really proud of you.

    The use of water as a fuel is just the beginning of challenging uses, this is completely necessary for future generations.

    By the way, the most greatest ideas always comes from dreamers like you.

  2. Hey Francisco, I so totally agree with Juan, it was such a nice read! Wish you much more fun in Berlin!

  3. Well done Francisco!

  4. Cool, Francisco! Молодец!

  5. I have to say it, there has been a lot of water under the bridge since the last time I enjoyed a text where the dialectic between research and sci-fi was so well posed. Just this morning I was wondering if people really understand that as science is the engine who boosting the tech, sci-fi has been a key piece in the engine boosting basic science, perhaps is the metaphoric water regarding to the Verne’s story. No doubts that your research topic is really exciting and interesting but also it is going to play a definitive role in our future if we want to survive to ourselves as mankind. Furthermore, I am glad to see that scientist are not weird people but they are people reading literature, doing sports, visiting museums, having fun, they are human beings with feelings and likes, and this is a non well known feature in a scientist. At the end, I want to congrats you for this amazing text and encourage you to keep writing, because I’m pretty sure many people, including children, could find themselves motivated to choose research as their lives.

  6. Wow!!! What a start, I love Jules Verne but was not aware that he already pointed to Hydrogen as a fuel. A really beautiful and well written contribution!

  7. This was a fascinating read! I especially liked how you managed to link literature from over a century ago to your research today. The pics you chose also help to illustrate your text nicely. Good Job!

  8. I really enjoyed reading your post, Francisco! I also would like to try rowing) What is the name of the lake where you were?

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