Engineers and scientists all around the world are working together to increase efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) devices. Decreasing manufacturing cost of these devices, together with the cost of produced energy, are making more and more people eager to reduce their carbon footprint.
Multiple exciton generating (MEG) solar cells, can produce more energy from single high energy photon by creating multiple electron-hole pairs, these PV’s are more efficient, and have less energy loses due to thermalisation. Unfortunately we still don’t have thorough understanding about MEG processes.
MEG solar cell
In this project I’ve extend the capabilities of MEG detection system, this was achieved by eliminating many sources of uncertainty, it will allow me to study MEG processes more reliably.

Author: Master student of Solar Cells and Modules engineering at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Best Lithuanian Helmholtz Summer Student Konstantin Leškevič (pronounced as Konstantin Leshkevich). Well behaved in akward social situations.
Elegant! After a short and general introduction you manage to describe your project in a nutshell, without bombarding us with details. And I like your image, the combination of a sketch with a photo is a good idea.
Well done! I’m sure you will tell us more about your topic during the last presentation. Good luck! 🙂
Sounds cool 🙂
This abstract looks nice, i think everyone is looking for more details you will tell us during presentation.
Sounds so cool, i hope to hear more about it.
I didn’t understood what MEG is, but I’m sure you can explain it in a talk. 😉
Nice topic, I would like to hear more about it.
ich will mehr wissen!