Some students overcame big obstacles to join the International Summer Students Programme at HZB: Traveling 12 hours by bus across the Andes to obtain a visa in Bogotá, borrowing money from here and there to pay the fees for formalities, and maintaining hope when the visa was delayed. One student visited the embassy every day for two weeks, leaving a yellow envelope with a polite reminder each time. And even with a visa, problems could arise last minute. Another student was already at the airport when he was denied boarding because he did not have a return ticket yet. He called our HZB colleagues whoRead More →

The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) has long-standing cooperations with research institutions in Israel, often leading to close friendships over the years. One such friendship developed with David Cahen. As a renowned Professor of Chemistry, Physics and Material Research (emeritus), he runs a group at the Weizmann Institute of Science (and at Bar Ilan University) in Israel, where he works today on sustainable materials for energy conversion, especially Solar Cells. At the end of his fellowship at HZB in the month of September 2023, he told Ulrike Goldenblatt what he took away from his time in Berlin. (Please note, this interview was held before the atrocious terroristRead More →