Vera Adamchuk, portrayed by Natalia Bakut

An Artwork reminds on the scientist who cofounded the Russian German Collaboration at BESSY II It seems, she has just calculated something, a hand lies on the paper, next to the pen. The other one supports the chin, relaxed and curious, she looks at the viewer. The Russian physicist Vera Adamchuk is immortalized in the bronze relief attached to a column in the BESSY II hall. The column stands in front of the dipole beam line of the Russian-German laboratory. Vera Adamchuk is regarded as a pioneer of German-Russian cooperation in the field of synchrotron radiation. She co-founded the Russian-German laboratory at BESSY II inRead More →

A synchrotron light source is a source of electromagnetic radiation produced by a storage ring, for scientific and technical purposes. The major applications of synchrotron light are in condensed matter physics, materials science, biology and medicine. Metrology Light Source(MLS) is a minor light source near BESSY II. It like a small replica of BESSY. Accelerator and us, just like patient and doctors. We need a stethoscope to know the situation of the patient. My work here is to develop a tool to monitor and adjust the chromacity of this storage ring. The chromacity here is not for the synchrotron light, it is a parameter toRead More →