Priv. Doz. Dr. habil. Franziska Emmerling (@FranEmmerling) works on very different projects, also with partners from industry. For example, she is currently finding out how chemical reactions can be triggered by mechanical forces such as grinding. The buzzword here is mechanochemistry: solids are made to react. This method is regarded as very environmentally friendly because no solvents are required. At the µSpot beamline it is possible to find out exactly which processes take place during grinding and what is important.Read More →
Priv. Doz. Dr. habil. Franziska Emmerling (@FranEmmerling) works on very different projects, also with partners from industry. For example, she is currently finding out how chemical reactions can be triggered by mechanical forces such as grinding. The buzzword here is mechanochemistry: solids are made to react. This method is regarded as very environmentally friendly because no solvents are required. At the µSpot beamline it is possible to find out exactly which processes take place during grinding and what is important.